Eds. Andrei Orlov and Basil Lourie, Gorgias Press, pp. xiii+511, $142.16, ISBN 978-1-60724-665-7.
Leiden: Brill, ISBN 978-90-04-17879-3.
Eds. Basil Lourie, Andrei Orlov, Madeleine Petit, Gorgias Press, pp. xiii+ 239, $ 108.00, ISBN 978-1-59333-083-5
Москва: Институт Св. Фомы [Resurrection of the Fallen Adam: Ascension, Transfiguration, and Deification of the Righteous in Early Jewish Mysticism. Second Revised and Expanded Edition (Symbol 66; Moscow: St. Thomas Institute, 2015) in Russian] ISSN 0222–1292.
Москва: РГГУ. [Resurrection of the Fallen Adam: Ascension, Transfiguration, and Deification of the Righteous in Early Jewish Mysticism (Moscow: RSUH, 2014) in Russian] ISBN 978-5-98604-435-4.