This web portal is the home of the Jewish Roots of Christian Mysticism Series, edited by Tomás García Huidobro, SJ., Rector of the Collegium Russicum (Rome, Italy) and Andrei A. Orlov, Professor of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity at Marquette University (Milwaukee, USA).​​
This series aims to enrich our understanding of the Jewish origins of Christian mystical traditions through in-depth explorations into the Jewish matrix of Christian theology and spirituality. Its primary purpose is to bring attention to recent scholarly developments in Jewish pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Christian apocryphal literature, and Hekhalot and rabbinic traditions. These developments throw new and welcome light on the sources and continuities of early Christian apocalypticism and mysticism. The volumes published in this series feature novel approaches for examining Jewish and Christian mediatorial and sacerdotal traditions in an attempt to challenge long-lasting scholarly consensuses and speak compellingly to broader scholarly and church audiences.​​

This web portal serves also as an on-line scholarly and teaching resource on Jewish and Christian mysticism which contains previously published and unpublished articles, lectures, excerpts from monographs and edited volumes. All copyrighted materials on this web resource are for classroom use only. Reproduction other than “fair use” quotations is prohibited.

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Books of the Series

Воскрешение Ветхого Адама: Вознесение, преображение и обожение праведника в ранней иудейской мистике
Москва: РГГУ. [Resurrection of the Fallen Adam: Ascension, Transfiguration, and Deification of the Righteous in Early Jewish Mysticism (Moscow: RSUH, 2014) in Russian] ISBN 978-5-98604-435-4.
Divine Mediators: Jewish Roots of Early Christology
Eds. T. Garcia-Huidobro and A. Orlov; Moscow: St. Thomas Institute. ISBN 978-5-9907661-2-9.
Heavenly Temple in Early Judaism and Christianity
Eds. T. Garcia-Huidobro and A. Orlov; Moscow: St. Thomas Institute. ISBN 978-5-9907661-1-2.
Ветхозаветные псевдоэпиграфы в славянской традиции
Москва: Институт Святого Фомы, ISBN 978-5-6042300-8-4.
Традиции Преображающего Видения в Иудаизме и Христианстве
Москва: Институт Святого Фомы. ISBN 978-5-6042300-6-0.
Предания о двух владычествах на небесах и ранняя христология
СПб.: «Издательство Олега Абышко», 2021
Небесный храм в раннем иудаизме и христианстве
St.Petersburg: CPB, 2022, Russia.